Wednesday, September 11, 2013

3A Motivation + Mindset

In todays world, many people get motivated to do things because of the reward in the end or just because they love what they're doing so much. 
Shakespeare once said,     

"There is nothing good or bad, but thinking makes it so" 

What does this mean? How does this relate to motivation and the different kinds of motivation? After analyzing this into my own words I've come up with a conclusion that will hopefully help you understand this better as well. Shakespeare's quote explains how motivation has no good or bad outcome, but with the exception of when you are thinking. For example, when you are thinking about if you should do your homework or not you can have motivation to complete all your homework so that you have the weekend off, or you can have no motivation to do the homework at all and leave it for last minute. The good outcome of this can be for you to complete the homework and your motivation knows if you do it then you have the whole weekend free. The bad outcome can be if you have no motivation and do not do it then you to deal with it last minute and not complete your homework as well as you would have if you did it before the weekend.  

Lets look at the quote in another way, shall we. Between intrinsic motivation vs. extrinsic motivation and growth midst vs. fixed mindset, I believe that intrinsic motivation and growth mindset are similar and extrinsic motivation and fixed mindset relate as well. Intrinsic motivation is when the motivation you have is based of off the pleasure you are getting from the activity not caring about the reward; when extrinsic motivation is the motivation you have is only because of the reward you are receiving in the end. These relate to the quote because with intrinsic motivation you get the good side of the motivation because you are enjoying what you are doing and with that motivation nothing else matters. With extrinsic motivation the bad you are getting out of it is that you are just worried about the reward in the end and not valuing the experience of the activity you are doing. 

Like intrinsic motivation, a growth mindset has some similar key components. With a growth mindset the abilities you already have can grow to improve, but only if you work at it and want to make them grow. The intrinsic motivation with growth mindset is that you want to be a better student lets say and you work hard long hours on doing extra work and attempting to better yourself in one subject. 

With a fixed mindset you also do your work, but maybe you may think you are one of the "smarter" kids and only worry about the grade you receive and what classes you are placed in. You are the "smarter" kid, so your parents probably do not reward your effort, but only the letter grade you are receiving because that is all that matters. With extrinsic motivation it can affect a fixed mindset as well relates to the quote, that with these two things your motivation and mindset are set on rewards and the letter grade and not value the process. But with intrinsic motivation and a growth mindset, you are valuing the effort you put forth and the experience you maybe enjoyed in knowing that you have improved for the better and not worry about the letter grade. As long as you improved, that is what is rewarding to you.  

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