Wednesday, September 25, 2013

5B My life in a week!

As the time study came into an end, it made me realize how much time I spend on certain things. Now that I am in college I definitely spend much more time on homework than I did in high school. I mean we obviously have to in order to pass your class and succeed in our academic paths, but for me I have a completely different outlook on the loads of homework we get. 

Adding up the hours I spent doing each habit/practice, my time study shows that I spent about 17 hours in class per week, 15 hours on homework this week, 8 hours napping, 6 hours eating, 12 hours working, 37 hours of actual sleep, 3 hours of bathing, 38 hours of socializing with family and friends and me time, and 5 hours of errands. Looking over this makes me realize how little sleep I get which is not good at all. Each person is supposed to get at least 8 hours of sleep a night. That adds up to 56 hours of sleep a week and I am only getting 37 hours of sleep, which is not good for my health at all. 

The amount of time I spent on my homework this week was low because I got most of my homework due for Monday and Tuesday done before the weekend. Since I do not have classes Friday I take advantage of that day as well when I let things slide a little bit this weekend because I went home. Looking at the amount of time I socialize is definitely not surprising to me. I am the type of person that LOVES to go out and enjoy myself and have a good time, but I can definitely say that I prioritize my work before I go out. Considering last week I did not have much homework I did not worry about getting some things done. I had the time to do them and planned when I was going to get them done so that always helps me out.

I believe I divot a lot of time to my studies because I always make sure I am on top of things even though my time study may not show it. It varies every week because the workload is different every week. For example, this up coming week I have a lab exam and an essay due on Wednesday (which happens to be my birthday). I am making time to get both things done in order to accomplish the things I need to for each class. I can surely say that the amount of time I put into my homework is a lot more than what it looks like now. 

One thing I definitely need to work on is getting more sleep. In some classes I have a hard time staying up because I go to sleep late or can't get sleep because everyone is so loud. I will have to make sure I go to bed earlier and hopefully will see a difference in my sleeping patterns and will take less naps than what I do now. The lack of sleep can definitely affect my studies and I do not want that to happen. What I take from this time study is how I need to separate my time and make time for more important things like sleep. Taking naps are fun, but definitely not all the time. With this I will change my bedtime and try and sleep earlier for my own good!

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