This whole week we
have been discussing how self-control, willpower and delayed gratification
work. For me, all of these topics relate to one another. It is all about how
you control your mindset and your patience. If you have patience you have
delayed gratification. If you have control over your choices then you have
self-control. If you have the motivation and mindset to get something done then
you have willpower to do anything; you just have to figure out how to find
that will power and put it to work. The real question is how do these help you
with your futures?
How do these help
us with our futures? Self-control, willpower, and delayed gratification are
very important keys to our future. Without self-control you cannot really do
anything. If you do not have the ability to control yourself how can you
function on a regular bases? To me self-control is the most important factor out
of the three. When you have self-control it leads to you having and finding
that willpower to do something. Finding the motivation to do something can be
hard at times, but never impossible. That willpower is somewhere you just have
to learn where to find it. With delayed gratification, this will help you be
patient with things that sometimes are hard to wait for. Sometimes we may get
impatient and get up and leave, but if you have delayed gratification then it
will make it a lot easier to get through your day as difficult as it may
In the marshmallow
test we discussed this week, all of this were a major key to the children being
tested. They had to find the self-control and will power to not eat the
marshmallow even though how delicious it may have looked. And that delayed
gratification to be patient and wait for that next marshmallow. In the article,
"Don't", says,
"Instead of
getting obsessed with the marshmallow—the “hot stimulus”—the patient children
distracted themselves by covering their eyes, pretending to play hide-and-seek
underneath the desk, or singing songs from “Sesame Street.” Their desire wasn’t
defeated—it was merely forgotten"(3).
This states that
the children tried to have that self-control and will power not to eat the
marshmallow just by distracting themselves from it and it did work. They just
forget about it until the adult came into the room in order to obtain that
second prize. Just by this it states how I believe that self-control can be
obtained, you just have to figure out how to make it happen. Overall, I believe
that all of these three key factors are affected everyday in our daily lives
and we learn day by day on how to control them to make them benefit us.
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