Friday, November 8, 2013

11B Comparing & Contrasting Questions

After analyzing different types of questions this week and going over what is a good question and what is not. I believe that it has helped me to be able to ask myself new and different questions when I study or at least to know what to expect what kind of questions there will be on some exams and quizzes. Going over the specifics of what an answer to a question should contain also helped this week. I feel that this spending time on this and doing group activities has helped so much too. An answer has to contain specific examples, evidence, support, a starting sentence, and ending sentence. If your answer had all of these then you have answered the question to the best of your ability, but also with evidence to back up your answer. For this blog we have to choose questions that stand out to that we think and us are great examples of good questions.

The blog that I thought had good questions was this blog, In her blog she purposes great questions by asking two part questions. These questions allow the person answering the questions to answer an easy question, but then put into context. To show how it supports his answer to the question and gives evidence on why his answer should be supported. She also gives specific questions not vague which results in a broad answer and not really answering much of a question.

Knowing how to answer questions and ask questions will definitely help me in my future of academics!

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