Tuesday, November 19, 2013

13A College Level Thinking

After going through the process of making the first video for our midterm I think that making this final video will be a little more easier, but harder in some ways. Making the final video project contain a high level of college thinking is going to be somewhat easy and hard at the same time. Applying everything we have learned in INQ about high college level thinking, how to apply it to our classes and even in our futures and how to come about it can be used to make this video. But when it comes to applying these skills to the video may be hard to deal with. 

Some easy ways to apply it to the video is by giving ways of how to think about the issue and how to go about it. Explaining all the problems with the issue and why and how it begins and then give possible outcomes for students. Giving ideas on how to solve in creative ways and thinking critically about it can help find outcomes to help students. Possibly adding skits showing thoroughly specific ways how and why students get sick and are affected with health conditions can give a clear image of what happens and how to solve it. 

Interviewing what professors think about how students should go about how to deal with staying healthy during the school year. Interviewing students that have had health conditions during the school year and show how they have dealt with getting better and show how to stay healthy could also be a great way. Overall, showing high college level thinking in this video can be difficult, but not impossible. You just have to find ways to get around them and make it work for your benefit. 

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