Monday, November 25, 2013

14B What Are You Thankful For?

Since Thanksgiving is coming up there are many things that I am thankful in life right now. I could name a long list of things, but that would take too long. So I am just going to name things that I am thankful for school wise this semester. 

What I am thankful for is being able to get through the semester and finishing and accomplishing my first semester of college. Being able to finish my first semester of college is so great and is happy that I know I can go on for the next four years. Being such a stressful semester and being new to this whole different experience is great and am thankful for all the resources the school has provided us in order to help us. Also, I am thankful for my parents for being able to support me through this whole process and always being able to help with anything I need. Without them I know that me going to college would have been impossible. 

I am also thankful for the professors and family and friends for being supportive and just being there during stressful moments making and reminding me that college is so important and to never give up. College has been such a great experience just for my semester and cannot wait to see what lays in the future for me. Hopefully be a nurse sometime in he future because that is what I want to do, but I know without hard work and long hours of studying that is impossible. I just need the motivation to get me through it and support to keep me alive

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