Tuesday, October 1, 2013

6A Persistence In a Athletic View

Back in high school, I played soccer my freshman and junior year. Coming from a family background is that very good at sports, I was the unfortunate one who was not so great like everyone else. I was determined to keep myself occupied and keep myself in shape by participating on the girl’s soccer team. When it comes to sports persistence is definitely present through out your whole season that you play a sport. Don't know what persistence means? Well let’s define it! Persistence is the ability to be firm and continue in a course of action despite the difficulty or opposition. 

A challenge for me while playing soccer was to challenge myself by learn skills that would better myself in playing soccer. For example, making sure I always looked up to see where I was passing and making my kicks more powerful. The persistence that I needed and used was present during practices and games. I was on the JV team and did not really care that it was JV. I mostly played soccer to meet more people and be active, but when it came to game time, my mentality changed from being carefree to being ready to crush the other team. While playing soccer I remember being scared to face other girls that were twice my size because if you believe it or not, I was one tiny little student during my high school years. To overcome my challenges I used persistence by never giving up and until I knew that I had improved with my skills. If I had played senior year I would have played varsity, but instead of course was too busy working and racking in the money for college. 

What I learned from this obstacle was that no matter what I knew that I could better myself, but all I needed was that persistence to keep on going and never giving up until I achieved what I was aiming for. While playing on the field having that persistence to face my other competitors and never giving up on trying to get possession of the ball back helped me better myself. I never gave up even though I failed at times, but I just right back up and keep on trying. Hearing feedback from my coach was definitely something I would never think I would get. She was definitely my support to get where I wanted to be and recognized what I accomplished throughout those years of high school soccer. 

Looking back, I definitely think that persistence is present in everyone's life no matter what. We all face obstacles in life, but manage to get through most of them if we just set our mind to it! 

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