Saturday, October 12, 2013

7B My Failure & Redemption

So far through college I would say I have been doing a pretty good job with keeping up with my work and following along with all my classes. But one aspect that I think I have been failing a little bit is studying for exams and the grade I get. 

So far I have taken a couple of exams that I know I put hours into studying and did not receive the grade I imagined I would get because I know how hard I studied for that class. Not going to lie, it did make me reevaluate my studying skills and how I could change them in order to get a better grade on an exam. Accepting the fact that I did not do as well as I thought I would was hard, but it definitely gave me motivation to figure out other ways to better myself.

One way that I can better myself is by studying with a group of people and bounce of each other’s ideas to help each other study. I could get a small study session going on to not only help myself, but also help others. That way we can come up with acronyms and remember things in different ways. It would bring up different ways of studying because not everyone studies the same. Making flashcards is another way to help oneself study and I definitely am not the one to spend my time making flashcards. I usually just go over what I do not know and write it over and over again, repeating it to myself as much as possible. The same thing is with flashcards, but I have to admit I get a little lazy to make them, which is why I never use flashcards to study. 

What I can learn from this experience is that there are so many resources at SCSU that are there to help me succeed with academics. I know if I really want to succeed then I have to push myself to my limits in order to make it happen. I believe there will always be room for failure and success in life and we just have to learn how to deal with it and overcome it. 

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